[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
Category: goals
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”] Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know. In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent. Casey had asked me to create […]
My View on College
I decided to address my views on going to college because I seem to get lots of criticism on this issue and I believe it relates to my foreclosure story. I chose to skip college right after high school because I was offered a $30,000/yr salaried position at a startup company (Sevant.com) with benefits and […]
Brutal Comments and Honesty
I was featured on The House Bubble Blog with Attitude and received a flood of mostly angry comments. People are giving me a beating! Yes I probably do deserve a beating. I made some bad moves as an investor and got over-extended. I also took advantage of liar loans. However, some people are taking it […]
House Raffle Sign-Up and Brainstorm
A couple of people suggested doing a “raffle” to sell my houses quickly. If you are interested in participating please use the signup form below or in the sidebar. If you have some ideas please post your comments here or email me. To pull this off I will need everybody’s help. Once I am ready […]
Something’s Gotta Give
Debt. Finances. Blog. Foreclosure Site. Negativity. Haters. Details. Follow-through. Partnerships. Opportunities. Job. Book. Success story. Big deals. Crazy ideas. Passive income. Huge deals. Goals. Focus. Priorities. Marriage. Values. Faith. Purpose. Progress. Time. Finances. Finances. Finances… The pressure of it all is getting to be too much. Filed under personal / feelings, photos, sweet media Pool […]
Erin Morgan (PrLinkBiz) and Joy O’Day – NO DEAL!!
For those who have been on this blog for a while you might remember PrLinkBiz of NoLimitsLadies.com and the Phoenix investor. Here are some old posts to refresh your memory: Meeting Robert Kiyosaki Next Week! On Rich Dad TV with Robert Kiyosaki Back Home from Phoenix What Really Happened in Phoenix Asking Prlinkbiz to void […]
I Want to Repay Every Dirty Penny I Borrowed… via Wholesaling?
I’ve gotten several good responses to the Yes, I lied on My Loans entry and elsewhere. I asked a question “What can I do to make it right?”. The responses were typically: 1) Get a job 2) File bankruptcy and start again, or 3) Run away to another country, change your name and lay low […]
$1,000/week or Kill Blog and Get a Job! Oh Crap!!
Update: We had a great show! Listen or Download Now. We even had Duane and Declan the CNET reporter make it on. … Here is an agreement I signed last night with Galina, friends and family as witnesses: The No More Debt agreement signed on May 6th: The $1,000/week agreement was written by me with […]
Organizing and Opening Mail All Night
Organizing my office and sorting mail took much longer than I thought. I have been working on it on and off the entire weekend. I didn’t want to have to deal with the mess during the work week so I figure I pull an all-nighter to try to finish it. Here are some pictures: Much […]
From Foreclosure to Success: 120 Days
Yesterday marked 120 days until my 25th birthday on September 10th. I like round dates and I like challenges. My 25th birthday is a big deal for me. I must have a turnaround story by then. I’m sick of not being able to pay my debts and all this financial instability. Because of it my […]