Join me on the next Foreclosure Fridays Live (June 29th) to discuss my trip, Foreclosure Book, etc! Start at 5PM PST (10AM Saturday in Australia).

Negotiating CashCall, Credit Cards and Other Lenders?

Below is the transcript from my CashCall call – one of my unsecured lenders. It’s roughly a $10,000 loan which was taken out about a year ago to pay for Burdett property repairs. Also, if you look at my financial statement spreadsheet you will see I have $175,000 of unsecured debt (lines of credit, credit […]

My True Credit Score / FICO Score

I listened to you guys from last post on my credit score and tried a couple of other credit score services: and I think service I used to look up my credit score before is either inaccurate or lagging. They are definitely not living up to their name. The three credit scores […]

Crazy Real Estate Accounting Mess

My wife has been working on getting all our accounting in order from this crazy roller-coaster year. Here is a shot of our living room floor. A big mess of receipts, invoices, bills, and other paperwork from all our real estate deals and travels this year. She is identifying, organizing, and sorting it all: And […]

Sweet Links Sold Out – $2,255.99 EARNED So Far!

Wow… Last couple of days, have been crazy! Basically, every time I checked my email there was money! That was really nice for a change. I’ve been busy answering questions and filling Sweet Link orders as well as taking sponsor payments. Sweet Links sold out earlier today with still more orders in the pipeline! As […]

Who Says We Don’t Work?

This is a shot of our living room where me and my wife are working on a tech job for a local real estate professional. We’re putting together and reproducing a large order of training CDs. We are getting paid this Sunday. In fact we pulled an all-nighter to finish up. This is an example […]

Something’s Gotta Give

Debt. Finances. Blog. Foreclosure Site. Negativity. Haters. Details. Follow-through. Partnerships. Opportunities. Job. Book. Success story. Big deals. Crazy ideas. Passive income. Huge deals. Goals. Focus. Priorities. Marriage. Values. Faith. Purpose. Progress. Time. Finances. Finances. Finances… The pressure of it all is getting to be too much. Filed under personal / feelings, photos, sweet media Pool […]

Formula For Being Broke

I get a lot of interesting emails. Here is one of them. This guy is trying to share a “business opportunity” with me but I declined (for now) because I’m too busy with my foreclosure mess. I did enjoy his letter though. Keep in mind, I have nothing against “a job” in the traditional sense. […]

$1,000/week or Kill Blog and Get a Job! Oh Crap!!

Update: We had a great show! Listen or Download Now. We even had Duane and Declan the CNET reporter make it on. … Here is an agreement I signed last night with Galina, friends and family as witnesses: The No More Debt agreement signed on May 6th: The $1,000/week agreement was written by me with […]

From Foreclosure to Success: 120 Days

Yesterday marked 120 days until my 25th birthday on September 10th. I like round dates and I like challenges. My 25th birthday is a big deal for me. I must have a turnaround story by then. I’m sick of not being able to pay my debts and all this financial instability. Because of it my […]

Sweet Links Sold Out – $2,255.99 EARNED So Far!

Wow… Last couple of days, have been crazy! Basically, every time I checked my email there was money! That was really nice for a change. I’ve been busy answering questions and filling Sweet Link orders as well as taking sponsor payments. Sweet Links sold out earlier today with still more orders in the pipeline! As […]

Sweet Links Sold Out – $2,255.99 EARNED So Far!

Wow… Last couple of days, have been crazy! Basically, every time I checked my email there was money! That was really nice for a change. I’ve been busy answering questions and filling Sweet Link orders as well as taking sponsor payments. Sweet Links sold out earlier today with still more orders in the pipeline! As […]

Liabilities Financial Statement Spreadsheet

Here is a liabilities spreadsheet I started. It’s a work in progress, I still need to fill in a few things. My goal is to keep it up to date. You can be notified of changes via RSS by the way. Google is awesome! UPDATED: I added assets, and income/expenses to make a mini financial […]

Taxes Extended, CashCall Not

Busy day (and night). Had to go to downtown to take care of some urgent business. Bought some extra filing cabinets and storage supplies from our local West Sacramento IKEA for wife to organize paperwork. Still working. Quick update: Taxes My accountant filed for a tax extension with the IRS. Now we have 6 more […]

Sweet Links Sold Out – $2,255.99 EARNED So Far!

Wow… Last couple of days, have been crazy! Basically, every time I checked my email there was money! That was really nice for a change. I’ve been busy answering questions and filling Sweet Link orders as well as taking sponsor payments. Sweet Links sold out earlier today with still more orders in the pipeline! As […]

Galina Serin: Enough is Enough!

This has been a pretty tough weekend emotionally. Galina, my wife of 3 years pretty much told me that she has had enough of this financial mess and my “irresponsible behavior”. Paying rent by borrowing from the corporation along with the brainstorming trip to Tahoe was the last straw. I don’t blame her. We have […]