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CashCall says: $220 by 12PM Tomorrow or Else… Donation?

I called CashCall two days ago to see if we can work out a payment plan and consider all my options. The CashCall rep that is assigned to me was pretty friendly and took my financial statement over the phone and gave me some options. Because of my income I didn’t qualify for a loan modification.

I did qualify for a 2 months payment deferment, contingent on making 1 regular payment of $220.48. I told the CashCall rep I need time to think about it and see what I can do.

Today I called back to see if they will take $40 because that’s all I have right now. I don’t want to borrow more money to make this CashCall payment and keep digging myself deeper in debt.

I spoke with the supervisor and she would not approve $40 but gave me another small extension to come up with 1 payment of $220.48. The deadline is tomorrow at 12PM. I must send a MoneyGrahm to CashCall by that time or they will send the loan to the legal department for further action / collection.

  • Here is the audio file of my CashCall call.
  • Click the link, choose “Open”, and it should start streaming the MP3 file. If you have problems – right-click and “Save-As” to download it first. An MP3 audio player or Windows Media player is required.
  • First part is my first call to CashCall on Wednesday.
  • Second part – starts at 22 minutes – is my call from today to see if I can give them just $40 and do the plan

Should I borrow money form “Peter to pay Paul er.. CashCall?” I am hesitant to do any additional borrowing to make this payment. This is how dug myself into $2.2 Million in Debt 8 months ago. Or is making this relatively small payment is a good thing? It will buy me some time and prevent CashCall from knocking on my door.

Or I can do something desperate… would you consider the following?

Donate some money for me to pay CashCall. Secure Credit Card payment via PayPal. Click the button below. Even a few bucks will help:

If I get enough to equal $160 $180 (plus my $40) by 11:30 AM PST tomorrow I will go ahead and send the payment in to CashCall. The extra 30 minutes should be enough for me to go to the nearest MoneyGram and send the payment..

That will give me a 2 month payment deferment, plus 2 months after that of being in default before I’m in the same exact spot. That’s 4 months of time. (That’s what the rep told me). This will prevent CashCall from taking legal auction and I will have some time to figure things out and hopefully come up with a repayment plan for CashCall and other lenders.

If I DON’T give enough, I will take a vote on this blog to see how I should spend any money that comes in.

I’ve never directly asked for donations before. I’ll take a risk. This is also the weekend now. My traffic dips on the weekends. So I am counting on you.

“You don’t get what you don’t ask for”, they say… can’t hurt to ask.

Update: See the comments for update on donations

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